In the Qing Dynasty, Baoquan in Xianfeng was carved with a thousand stars and a moon

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In the Qing Dynasty, Baoquan in Xianfeng was carved with a thousand stars and a moon

Auction Information

Product:In the Qing Dynasty, Baoquan in Xianfeng was carved with a thousand stars and a moon


Starting Price:70,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:D:5.9cm T:0.3cm WT:69g

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


精工细铸,刻花图案精致,工艺非一般俗手所为,钱文字口极为立体深刻,品相极佳,完全未流通,极罕见,极美品。This foreign currency coin has exquisite patterns and profound connotations. On the front, there is a warrior standing on the shore, looking down on the world. He holds a rice shaped shield in his left hand and a trident in his right hand, meaning that he can attack and defend, and win every battle. On the left and right sides of the bead circle, there are ONE-DOLLAR in English, with the year number written below. On the back, there is a Chinese seal script with the character 'Shou' in the center, a Chinese cursive script with 'Yi Yuan' on the top and bottom, and a Malay script with 'Yi Yuan' on the left and right.