Cao Kun Statue Constitution Establishment Commemorative Gold

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Cao Kun Statue Constitution Establishment Commemorative Gold

Auction Information

Product:Cao Kun Statue Constitution Establishment Commemorative Gold


Starting Price:620,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:D:3.9cm WT:37g

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此版堪称中国机制币中顶级稀有的版别之一。银铸版本已令众多藏家垂涎三尺,金铸版更是令人爱不释手,成为珍品中长久被追捧的常青树。橄榄黄金色调,图文细节精美,底板光彩照人。This version can be regarded as one of the top rare versions of Chinese mechanism coins. The silver version has made many collectors salivate, and the gold version is even more irresistible, becoming an evergreen tree that has long been sought after among treasures. Olive gold tone, exquisite graphic and textual details, and a radiant base.