Porcelain made in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, symbolizing a peaceful and prosperous life

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Porcelain made in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, symbolizing a peaceful and prosperous life

Auction Information

Product:Porcelain made in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, symbolizing a peaceful and prosperous life


Starting Price:55,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:57cm C:24.5cm d:22cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此器造型硕大,画工精美,是清代烧造的主流器物。此件器物上下分三层图案组成,颈部和圈足使用珍贵的珐琅料,按西方绘画技法绘制而成,中间主纹饰以富贵牡丹、竹子、松树,鹌鹑菊花,寄托着安居乐业!富贵吉祥!万古长青之美好寓意!此尊瓶造型美观,色彩艳丽饱满,属于不可多得的宝物,值得珍藏!This vessel has a large shape and exquisite painting, and is the mainstream object of firing in the Qing Dynasty. This object is composed of three layers of patterns, with precious enamel used for the neck and legs, drawn using Western painting techniques. The main decorative pattern in the middle features peonies, bamboo, pine trees, quails, and chrysanthemums, symbolizing prosperity and happiness! Fortune and auspiciousness! The beautiful meaning of eternal youth! This bottle has a beautiful shape and vibrant colors, making it a rare treasure worth cherishing!