Blue and white Longevity Deer Head Zun made in the Kangxi year of the Qing Dynasty

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Blue and white Longevity Deer Head Zun made in the Kangxi year of the Qing Dynasty

Auction Information

Product:Blue and white Longevity Deer Head Zun made in the Kangxi year of the Qing Dynasty


Starting Price:1,070,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:45.8cm C:16.5cm d:24.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此品为青花万寿鹿头尊,康熙年间作品,圆口、束颈、溜肩、垂腹、底圈足,器身饰双鹿首。釉面淡雅,尊内外施以白釉为地,洁白如玉。尊外小颈、腹及足胫均以青花篆书“寿”字,万字万面,各不相同,蔚为壮观。全器“寿”字满身,以表万寿无疆之美意。外形制作规整,线条流畅,青花鲜艳,造型优美。底款以青花六字“大清康熙年制”制,极其工致,应为康熙年间御贡品!保存至今己实属珍贵,为青花盛世精品之作,极具审美意味和收藏价值!This product is the Blue and White Longevity Deer Head Zun, created during the Kangxi period. It features a round mouth, a constricted neck, a sloping shoulder, a hanging belly, and a bottom ring foot, with ears in the style of a double deer head. The glaze is elegant, and the interior and exterior are coated with white glaze, which is as pure as jade. The small neck, abdomen, and feet of Zunwai are all inscribed with the character "Shou" in blue and white seal script, with thousands of characters and faces, each unique and magnificent. The word 'longevity' is written all over the vessel, symbolizing the beauty of boundless longevity. The appearance is neat, the lines are smooth, the blue and white are bright, and the shape is beautiful. The bottom design is made of blue and white six characters "Made in the Kangxi Year of the Qing Dynasty", which is extremely exquisite and should be a tribute to the imperial court during the Kangxi period! Preserved to this day, it is truly precious and a masterpiece of the flourishing era of blue and whiteporcelain, with great aesthetic significance and collectible value!