MING DYNASTY XUANDE PERIOD Blue and white parrot flower plate

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Blue and white parrot flower plate

Auction Information

Product:MING DYNASTY XUANDE PERIOD Blue and white parrot flower plate


Starting Price:400,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:10cm C:71cm B:50cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


款識:大明宣德年制 本品敞口,弧腹,圈足。細砂底無釉,略帶火紅;內外壁均以青花繪紋飾,外壁通體繪纏枝如意紋,口沿下方以青花書“大明宣德年制”六字楷書款;內壁以雙弦線圈分隔兩層紋飾,圈外為八種折枝瑞果,圈內盤心處繪折枝桃樹一株,桃實飽滿,桃枝上一對鸚鵡上下相對而立,似正在私語歡談,畫面生動有趣。宣德皇帝酷愛鸚鵡,當時便有人記述來自陝西的五色鸚鵡“願效嵩呼祝聖壽,日日常聞萬歲聲”,又有記來自雲南的鸚鵡“調舌能歌萬壽詞”,故深得宣德喜愛,制瓷藝人正是投其所好,繪出這種紋飾。整器釉色細潤,胎體白中泛青,採用的青花料為進口“蘇麻離青”鈷料,發色具有濃淡深淺的變化,暈散效果明顯,猶如濃墨漬透紙背,殊為難得。 This product is open, arc belly, circle foot. Fine sand bottom unglazed, slightly red; The inner and outer walls are decorated with blue and white painting patterns, the outer walls are painted with twinned ruyi patterns, and the blue and white book "Da Ming Xuande Year" six-character regular script style along the mouth; The inner wall is decorated with a double string coil separating two layers of patterns, and the outside of the circle is eight kinds of broken branches, and the center of the circle is painted a peach tree with broken branches, full peach, and a pair of parrots on the peach branches stand opposite each other, as if they are whispering happily, and the picture is vivid and interesting. Emperor Xuande loved parrots, at that time there was a description of the five-color parrot from Shaanxi, "wish to celebrate the song, the daily sound of long live", and there is a record of the parrot from Yunnan, "tune the tongue to sing long life words", so it was deeply loved by Xuande,porcelain artist is to vote for its good, painted this pattern. The enamel color of the whole device is fine, the body is white and green, the blue and white material used is imported "Su Ma green" cobalt material, the hair color has the change of thick and light, the halo dispersion effect is obvious, like thick ink through the paper back, which is rare.