QING DYNASTY QIANLONG PERIOD Tea glaze string pattern like ear bottle

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Tea glaze string pattern like ear bottle

Auction Information

Product:QING DYNASTY QIANLONG PERIOD Tea glaze string pattern like ear bottle


Starting Price:200,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:36.5cm C:10.5cm B:15.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


款識:大清乾隆年制 本品唇口束頸,豐肩鼓腹,底部圈足滿釉;通體施茶葉末釉,色澤蒼雅靜穆,光澤厚潤柔和,圈足露胎處為黑褐色,以摹“鐵足”之效果,足底中心處陽刻“大清乾隆年制”三行篆書方款;整器造型穩重端莊,質地細膩勻淨,頸部兩側對立模印一對象耳,更見精巧;其器身光素不事雕飾,結合典雅雋秀的器型,尤顯溫婉爾雅、風韻雋永,置於殿堂之中,可解思古之幽情,殊為難得。 This product lip neck, full shoulder belly, bottom circle foot full glaze; The whole body is glazed with tea leaves, the color is pale and quiet, the luster is thick and soft, the circle foot is black brown, copying the effect of "iron foot", and the center of the sole is engraved with "Qing Qianlong year" three lines of seal script; The shape of the whole device is stable and dignified, the texture is fine and even, and the opposite sides of the neck are imprinted with an object ear, more exquisite; Its body light element is not carved, combined with elegant and meaningful style, especially gentle and elegant, meaningful charm, placed in the palace, can understand the ancient feelings, which is rare.