MING DYNASTY WANLI PERIOD Blue and white Dengxian map octagonal pot

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Blue and white Dengxian map octagonal pot

Auction Information

Product:MING DYNASTY WANLI PERIOD Blue and white Dengxian map octagonal pot


Starting Price:700,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:38cm C:14cm B:16.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


款識:大明萬歷年制 本品豐肩鼓腹,下腹弧收,器形碩大,胎體厚重,作八棱狀,造型取自元代青花大罐;自上而下以青花料分別繪如意雲紋、葉紋、雲鶴紋、八卦紋,肩部下方以青花書“大明萬歷年制”六字楷書款,腹部一圈紋飾取自《列仙傳》的登仙景象眾仙儀態不一,生動逼真,各見精彩;本品為萬曆青花porcelain的代表,青花料子上採用回青混合石子青,呈現出灰中泛紫的發色;器物在胎質上白中帶青,釉層薄而光潤瑩亮;紋飾上則承嘉靖朝遺風,以道教主題為中心,富有濃郁的宗教色彩濃厚;整器品相完美無暇,繪畫細緻,線條流暢,粗獷中帶著細膩,為道教題材造器與紋飾結合的佳例,極具時代氣息。 This product is full of shoulders and abdomen, the lower abdomen is curved, the body is large, the body is heavy, and the shape is from the blue and white pot of the Yuan Dynasty; Top-down with blue and white material respectively painted ruyi moire, leaf pattern, cloud crane pattern, eight trigrams pattern, blue and white book below the shoulder "Ming Wan Li Nian system" six-character regular script pattern, a circle of abdominal decoration from the "Lixian Legend" of the fairy scene, vivid and vivid, each see wonderful; This product is the representative of Wanli blue and whiteporcelain. The blue and white material is mixed with green stone green, showing a purple hair color in gray; The ware is white and bluish in the texture, and the glaze layer is thin and glossy. On the decoration, it inherits the legacy of Jiajing Dynasty, with Taoism theme as the center and rich religious color. The whole product is perfect, the painting is meticulous, the lines are smooth, and the rough is delicate, which is a good example of the combination of Taoist theme and decoration, and has the atmosphere of The Times.