QING DYNASTY QIANLONG PERIOD Yellow glazed flower and bird patterned jar

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QING DYNASTY QIANLONG PERIOD Yellow glazed flower and bird patterned jar

Auction Information

Product:QING DYNASTY QIANLONG PERIOD Yellow glazed flower and bird patterned jar


Starting Price:150,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:25.6cm C:12cm B:13.9cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


款識:大清乾隆年制 本品唇口微外侈,口沿處描金,短頸豐肩,圓腹向下漸收;通體以滿工彩繪裝飾,頸部飾回紋一周,頸部下方以松石綠釉為地,內繪纏枝花卉紋飾,瓶腹部分以檸檬黃釉為地,四周的中心處採用四道開光式窗口,窗內飾以四時花卉與各式禽鳥,構圖上疏密有致,繪製極為精細,鳥兒的姿態各異,生動活潑,一絲不苟,毫髮畢現,與花卉相應襯。在中國傳統文化中,四時花卉紋不僅美觀,還蘊含美好的寓意。脛部一圈同樣以松石綠與胭脂粉料飾以花卉蓮瓣紋,排列工整,過渡自然,與瓶腹的主題紋飾,相得益彰。器身的內壁與器底通施白釉,並於底心以礬紅彩料書寫「大清乾隆年制」六字三行篆書款,字跡俊逸秀美。縱觀整器造型端莊穩重,彩釉繁縟華麗,主次分明,畫工複雜而不失嚴謹,開窗內紋樣豐富多彩,充分展現了盛世官窯的面貌。 This product lips slightly extravagant, mouth along the gold, short neck and shoulders, round belly downward gradually closed; The whole body is decorated with full color painting, the neck is decorated with a whole week, the lower part of the neck is painted with turpine-green glaze, the interior is painted with lemon yellow glaze, and the center of the surrounding area uses four open-light Windows, the interior of the window is decorated with four times flowers and various birds, the composition is dense, the drawing is extremely fine, the birds have different gestures, lively, meticulous, and can be found in a single piece. Match with flowers. In traditional Chinese culture, the four times flower pattern is not only beautiful, but also contains a good meaning. The shin circle is also decorated with turquoise green and rouge powder with flower lotus petal pattern, arranged neatly, transition naturally, and the theme pattern of the bottle belly, complement each other. The inner wall of the body and the bottom of the instrument through the white glaze, and at the bottom of the center with alum color material to write "Qing Qianlong year" six characters and three lines of seal script, the writing is elegant and beautiful. Throughout the whole instrument dignified and stable shape, colorful glaze gorgeous, the main and secondary clear, complex painting without losing rigorous, the window pattern is rich and colorful, fully show the face of Shengshi Guan kiln.