QING DYNASTY YONGZHENG PERIOD Pastel jade pot spring vase with floral pattern

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Pastel jade pot spring vase with floral pattern

Auction Information

Product:QING DYNASTY YONGZHENG PERIOD Pastel jade pot spring vase with floral pattern


Starting Price:110,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:17cm C:5cm B:5.8cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


款識:大清雍正年制 本品纖頸撇口束頸,垂腹圈足,器形取自經典宋式玉壺春瓶形,比例則按清式風格略作調整;外壁留白打底,以粉彩細繪山石牡丹雛菊,花卉以紅黃藍三色點染,枝葉以深淺翠色描繪;底部雙圈內以青花料書“大清雍正年制”六字雙行楷書款。縱觀整器器型秀巧典雅,曲線雋美多姿,比例恰宜,釉彩上凝厚鮮亮,純正妍麗,佈局繁密而有致,不減清疏之氣,繪畫之精妙盡顯沒骨筆意,花卉枝葉通過濃淡來展現陰陽面變化,極富立體感,呈現一片生機勃勃,醉人心扉。 The shape of this product is taken from the classic Song jade pot spring bottle shape, the proportion is slightly adjusted according to the Qing style; The outer wall is white, with pastel fine painting of mountain stone peony daisies, flowers are stained with red, yellow and blue, and branches and leaves are depicted in dark green colors; At the bottom of the double circle with blue and white material book "Qing Yongzheng year" six-character double-line script. Throughout the whole instrument is elegant and elegant, the curve is beautiful and colorful, the proportion is appropriate, the glaze color is thick and bright, pure and beautiful, the layout is dense and has the same, does not reduce the gas of clearing and thinning, the delicate painting shows no bone pen meaning, the flower branches and leaves through the thick and thin to show the changes of Yin and Yang, a very three-dimensional sense, showing a vibrant, fascinating heart.