Ming Yongle Blue and White Wheel Pattern Moon Embracing Bottle

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Ming Yongle Blue and White Wheel Pattern Moon Embracing Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Ming Yongle Blue and White Wheel Pattern Moon Embracing Bottle


Starting Price:1,270,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:26.9cm C:3cm B:6cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此器呈葫芦状,上部为圆形,下部为扁圆形,器两侧置对称绶带耳,长方形圈足。通体青花为饰,上部饰缠枝花卉纹,腹部绘宝相花,外环以卷草纹。青花绶带耳葫芦扁瓶,造型及纹饰之创造灵感源自中东地区,开中国porcelain新风尚。其上所绘宝相轮花纹亦或与中东颇有渊源,唯颈部细窄纒枝花卉与瓶耳折枝花卉纹饰为中国装饰 纹样。精细花弁与严谨几何纹饰之搭配使整体设计平添气韵与美感。