Qing Ten taels of silver ingots in the shape of Shandong's "Shandong Little Treasures"

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Qing Ten taels of silver ingots in the shape of Shandong's

Auction Information

Product:Qing Ten taels of silver ingots in the shape of Shandong's "Shandong Little Treasures"


Starting Price:GBP:260,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:L:70.4mm W:43.2mm H:45.8mm WT:343.9g

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


In the Qing Dynasty in Shandong, the original Guangqian Grain Small Treasure had perfect ingot shape, luminosity, and coating. Qian Liang Small Treasure was a general term for money, grain, tax, and silver in various regions of the province, divided into treasury treasure and market treasure. Usually stamped with three seals, it is a treasury treasure. This is a market circulating market treasure, with a flat and open surface, beautiful craftsmanship, and is quite rare. Public Bo Certification Ms63+