Qing Tian Huang Wu Lian Zhang

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Qing Tian Huang Wu Lian Zhang

Auction Information

Product:Qing Tian Huang Wu Lian Zhang


Starting Price:GBP:540,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:3.4*3.4*4.5cm 单个WT:105g 总WT:570.5g

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


Since ancient times, Tianhuang has been loved and collected by emperors, generals, and ministers. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong even regarded Tianhuang seals as a treasure. Throughout his life, he collected more than 1800 jade seals, and his favorite was Tianhuang Lianzhang. Tianhuang Lianzhang was as precious as gold, as the saying goes, "one or two Tianhuang and three liang of gold". Its material was extremely rare, and carving Tianhuang Lianzhang required a high level of carving technology to complete the Lianzhang carving. If there were any errors, the entire Tianhuang material would be scrapped. Therefore, the rarity of Tianhuang Lianzhang can be seen, and its exquisite carving craftsmanship is breathtaking. It is a must-have item for collectors and worth owning.