Ming Changhua Chicken Blood Stone Buddha Statue

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Ming Changhua Chicken Blood Stone Buddha Statue

Auction Information

Product:Ming Changhua Chicken Blood Stone Buddha Statue


Starting Price:GBP:540,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:WT:900g 203.40mmx114.77mm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The precious material and carving of the chicken blood stone ornament of the Ming Dynasty King of Land Treasury Bodhisattva are unique. According to research, the mining of chicken blood stone began in the Ming Dynasty and became famous in the Qing Dynasty. Emperors such as Kangxi, Qianlong, and Jiaqing highly appreciated Changhua chicken blood stone. In China, the enthusiasm of Chinese and foreign people for collecting and investing in chicken blood stone has also been increasing year by year. In the selection of Chinese national stones, Changhua chicken blood stone has "four characteristics": uniqueness - according to investigations by China's geological department and records in geological literature of various countries, no such mineral has been found in other countries around the world; Strange characteristics - the shape and color are both peculiar and unique, very rare; Appreciation - the beauty of form, color, texture, and texture is unparalleled, making it difficult to let go and benefit from it; Cultural - having a place in traditional culture, favored by emperors, cherished by cloth and clothing. Known as the national stone of China. A fossil of prosperity, a thousand years of imperial poetry. This poem expresses the affection of multiple generations of emperors towards Chang Fossil.