Copper tire wire enamel inlaid with gemstones and Tian Baiyu Thousand Handed Guanyin ornaments

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Copper tire wire enamel inlaid with gemstones and Tian Baiyu Thousand Handed Guanyin ornaments

Auction Information

Product:Copper tire wire enamel inlaid with gemstones and Tian Baiyu Thousand Handed Guanyin ornaments


Starting Price:GBP:4,400,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:73cm W:36cm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


This thousand hand Avalokitesvara pendant is an exquisite work combining the traditional filigree enamel technology with Hotan Jade jewelry. Guanyin jade is pure, delicate, and smooth, with a natural and peaceful expression. Its body is beautiful and symmetrical, and its lines are smooth and stretching, highlighting the extraordinary and compassionate temperament of the great master. The entire seat is inlaid with various gemstones and decorated with wire cutting enamel techniques. The lotus shaped copper wire resembles painted lines, and the front of the seat is engraved with a "Qing Qianlong Year Made" design. The ancient handicrafts of wire cutting enamel and jade carving, which have been passed down for thousands of years, showcase the exquisite craftsmanship of this piece and showcase the luxurious temperament of the emperor.