Caesar Monty's oil painting "Abduction of Sabine Women"

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Caesar Monty's oil painting

Auction Information

Product:Caesar Monty's oil painting "Abduction of Sabine Women"


Starting Price:GBP:1,660,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


Cesare Monti, 1891~1959 Kidnapping the Sabine Women oil painting, 1942, 56×67cm Source, well-known family in Milan, art collection pride of italy Caesarmonti Cesare Monti 1891~1959 Caesar, Monty is a legendary painter highly praised by Picasso [unparalleled] Caesar Monti [1891-1959] was a representative figure of the Italian art movement in the 20th century. He was invited to the Venice Biennale 14 times and was named one of the 25 greatest painters in the history of the Venice Biennale. He was also the second The artists with the most valuable works at the 12th Venice Biennale, the world calls Cesaremonti and Modigliani the "Pride of the Italians" 1920,1922,1924,1926,1928,1930,1932,1934,1936,1938,1940,1942,1948,1950 Invited to participate in the Venice International Art Biennale a total of fourteen times First Prize in the 1921 Borozoni Competition Received the Manucavallo Prize in 1924 Won the Fornara Prize in 1926 Won the Guido Ricci Award in 1927 Awarded by the Royal Academy of Brera in 1927 [Lima Bao Award at the National Art Exposition in 1927] [The 1940 Biennale enjoyed the same treatment as Klimt and Renoir and had its own independent exhibition space. ☆1940 Biennale Cesare Monti personal exhibition space Artists participating in the Biennale at the same time include Pollock, Giorgio Morandi, Picasso, Chagall, Matisse