Wu Hufan's "Running Through Pine Gullies and Springs"

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Wu Hufan's

Auction Information

Product:Wu Hufan's "Running Through Pine Gullies and Springs"


Starting Price:GBP:160,000

Transaction Price:GBP: 280,000


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


Taste: Pine valleys run towards springs, mountains and rivers have clear sounds, and the vast sea of clouds creates strange peaks. It is the spring of March in Jiangnan. Tang Ziwei used the pen of Li Xigu and the rhyme of Wang Shuming, which contained the two schools of thought, the north and the south, in one furnace that no one else could reach. Bingxu Mid Autumn Festival imitates its meaning, Wu Hufan. Seal: Wu Hufan (White), Qian'an (White), Meijing Bookstore Secret Collection (Zhu) Author Introduction: Wu Hufan, from Suzhou, Jiangsu. Originally named Yiyan, with the courtesy name Qianjun, later renamed Wan, with the courtesy name Dongzhuang, also known as Qian, with the courtesy name Chou Yan and the courtesy name Qian'an. The calligraphy and painting were signed under the name Hufan. Zhai Mingmei Jing Bookstore, the grandson of Wu Dacheng, is a master of modern Chinese painting and an expert in calligraphy and painting. Gong Shanshui is also skilled in pine, bamboo, and lotus flowers. Shanshui can be traced back from the "Four Kings" and Dong Qichang to various families in the Song and Yuan dynasties.