Liu Haisu's The Painting of Mount Huangshan Shixin Peak

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Liu Haisu's The Painting of Mount Huangshan Shixin Peak

Auction Information

Product:Liu Haisu's The Painting of Mount Huangshan Shixin Peak


Starting Price:GBP:1,430,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The composition of this painting is rigorous, the layout of the panorama is unique, the ink splashing and color splashing technique is used, and the brushwork is bold and vigorous. The brushwork draws on the brushwork method of Chinese painting, and the surging, undulating, rhythmic sense has a strong Chinese atmosphere. At the same time, the combination of Chinese and Western art languages, integration, strong color, bold brushwork and lines strongly call out the inner life of the nature that he feels. Liu Haisu went to Mount Huangshan in his last ten years to create a unique and charming landscape of Mount Huangshan with ink splashing and color splashing, leaving us precious art treasures.