Wang Shigu's "High Hidden Map of Streams and Mountains"


Auction Information

Product:Wang Shigu's "High Hidden Map of Streams and Mountains"


Starting Price:GBP:290,000

Transaction Price:GBP: 290,000


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


Wang Hui (1632-1717) was a Qing Dynasty painter. Zi Shi Gu, also known as Geng Yan San Ren, Jian Men Qiao Ke, Wu Mu Shan Ren, Qing Hui Lao Ren, etc. Born in Changshu, Jiangsu. Born into a painting family, he inherited his family's education from a young age. He first learned painting under Zhang Ke, and later received guidance from Wang Jian and Wang Shimin. Proficient in mountains and rivers, initially imitating Huang Gongwang, and later widely learning from various schools of Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming, with multiple teachers, developing and changing, forming a personal style.