Hongtian yellow dragon button wrong gold flower big seal

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Hongtian yellow dragon button wrong gold flower big seal

Auction Information

Product:Hongtian yellow dragon button wrong gold flower big seal


Starting Price:GBP:530,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:25.9cm WT:11500g

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


This Hongtian Huanglong button inlaid gold floral seal (height: 25.9, weight: 11500g) is a Huangtian Hongtian stone seal bestowed upon Zeng Guopan by the late Qing Dynasty, known as the "First Class Brave Marquis of the Qing Dynasty". It is meticulously carved from top-grade Hongtian yellow stone, with delicate and warm jade like texture. Five agile coiled dragons are carved on it, hovering in the clouds and mist, symbolizing power and wealth. As a symbol of China, dragons play an important role in the art of seals. In addition, the four sides of the seal are decorated with inlaid gold craftsmanship, making the whole more luxurious. The floral pattern symbolizes auspiciousness and prosperity. This work adds more artistic charm. This seal is not only a beautiful artwork, but also a heritage with historical and cultural value. It reflects the profound heritage and superb skills of traditional Chinese culture, and is one of the precious cultural heritages of the Chinese nation.