Song Guan Kiln Moon White Glazed Melon Ridge Inscription, Poetry and Prose, Golden Flower Mouth Wash

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Song Guan Kiln Moon White Glazed Melon Ridge Inscription, Poetry and Prose, Golden Flower Mouth Wash

Auction Information

Product:Song Guan Kiln Moon White Glazed Melon Ridge Inscription, Poetry and Prose, Golden Flower Mouth Wash


Starting Price:GBP:4,800,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


One of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty, the official kiln; From the Grand View of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhenghe established a kiln dedicated to firing imperial porcelain, with a size of 22.8cmm/6.3cmm. The porcelain was inscribed with poems, inscriptions, and gold, and was inscribed with imperial seals and inscriptions. During the Daguan period, official porcelain was dominated by moonlight, with a cold and gorgeous glaze that exuded the beauty of the Nine Heavens and Moonlit Blossoms. It was pure and soft, with a strong sense of vitality, making it one of the few rare and precious imperial artifacts that has been passed down.