Song Dynasty Jun Kiln Rose Purple Lotus Petals Wash

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Song Dynasty Jun Kiln Rose Purple Lotus Petals Wash

Auction Information

Product:Song Dynasty Jun Kiln Rose Purple Lotus Petals Wash


Starting Price:GBP:2,800,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


One of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty, Jun porcelain originated in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty. It is famous for its unique glaze and firing method, which miraculously transformed into a kiln. It is specifically used to burn tribute porcelain for the imperial palace. Rose purple lotus petal wash, measuring 17.5cm/10.5cmm, is an official collection of the Song Dynasty court. A national treasure, the Jun porcelain body is slightly thick and dense, presenting a purple red color. Earthworms walk in mud patterns, reflecting an elegant and atmospheric atmosphere, as well as the majestic and ethereal aura of an emperor