Ming Yongle Blue and White Seasonal Flower Pattern Flat Pot

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Ming Yongle Blue and White Seasonal Flower Pattern Flat Pot

Auction Information

Product:Ming Yongle Blue and White Seasonal Flower Pattern Flat Pot


Starting Price:GBP:1,100,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


Ming Yongle Blue and White Four Seasons Flower Pattern Flat Bottle, with a flat and round body, a slightly extravagant mouth, a thick neck, sloping shoulders, a large belly, and elliptical circular feet. The mouth is decorated with rolled grass patterns, the neck is decorated with tangled branches and flowers, and the pot body is decorated with tangled branches and seasonal flowers. The glaze color of the flat teapot is uniform and fine, the blue and white hair color is rich and vibrant, the decorative brushstrokes are skilled, exquisite and meticulous, and the layout is meticulous and balanced, making it a rare masterpiece.