Qing Qianlong blue and white lotus with intertwined branches, opening windows for prosperity, wealth, and prosperity, living and working in peace and contentment. Ruyi ear inlaid ware with patterns

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Qing Qianlong blue and white lotus with intertwined branches, opening windows for prosperity, wealth, and prosperity, living and working in peace and contentment. Ruyi ear inlaid ware with patterns

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong blue and white lotus with intertwined branches, opening windows for prosperity, wealth, and prosperity, living and working in peace and contentment. Ruyi ear inlaid ware with patterns


Starting Price:GBP:460,000

Transaction Price:GBP: 460,000

Specification:H:38cm D:26.5cm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation
