During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the yellow ground enamel, colored rolling, and sacrificial blue glaze, painted with gold, opened windows, mountains and rivers, inscribed with poetry, rouge, and red elephant ears were used as stat

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During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the yellow ground enamel, colored rolling, and sacrificial blue glaze, painted with gold, opened windows, mountains and rivers, inscribed with poetry, rouge, and red elephant ears were used as stat

Auction Information

Product:During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the yellow ground enamel, colored rolling, and sacrificial blue glaze, painted with gold, opened windows, mountains and rivers, inscribed with poetry, rouge, and red elephant ears were used as stat


Starting Price:GBP:8,730,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:41cm D:26cm B:16cm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


This product is a rare and precious item for imperial use, and can be regarded as the leader of Qianlong colored porcelain. Its shape is noble and elegant, with a rouge red elephant head and exquisite ears, symbolizing "peace and prosperity". It is a high-end and exquisite imperial porcelain carving tool of the Qianlong Dynasty. The interior and bottom of the object are coated with turquoise green glaze, and the mouth is painted with gold. The neck and feet are all covered with enamel colored yellow glaze, and the rolling process is used to remove phoenix tail shaped curled grass patterns, painting passion lotus and Ruyi cloud head patterns; The abdomen is covered with Ji blue glaze, with golden Ruyi patterns and windows on all sides. The Qianlong imperial poem is written, depicting the scenery of mountains, rivers, and courtyards. The entire artifact is adorned with precious light, making it breathtaking. The more exquisite and unique it is, the more noble and elegant the level of the artifact is. The base is made of blue material and printed in regular script according to the reign of Emperor Qianlong.