Qing Yongzheng Blue and White Rouge Colored Dragon Pattern Jade Pot Spring Bottle

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Qing Yongzheng Blue and White Rouge Colored Dragon Pattern Jade Pot Spring Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Yongzheng Blue and White Rouge Colored Dragon Pattern Jade Pot Spring Bottle


Starting Price:GBP:900,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


This device has a thin and lightweight tire, and a large and regular body. The overall presentation is elegant and timeless, with a harmonious proportion of the shape, and the "beauty of curves" is touching. The blue and white hair has a lively and solid color, while the rouge is red with a hint of purple. The dragon patterns painted on it are vivid and dignified, making it a prominent representative of the excellent artifacts in the official kilns of the Yongzheng Dynasty. This auction is a famous and timeless collection of famous families.