Qing Qianlong Huangdi Enamel Colored Blessing and Longevity Thousand Year Cloud Mouth Bottle

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Qing Qianlong Huangdi Enamel Colored Blessing and Longevity Thousand Year Cloud Mouth Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Huangdi Enamel Colored Blessing and Longevity Thousand Year Cloud Mouth Bottle


Starting Price:GBP:870,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:33cm C:10.5cm B:12cm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


This product is a unique and elegant colored painting masterpiece among the Qianlong official kilns. Its shape is noble and elegant, with turquoise green glaze applied on the outside of the bottle lips and rouge red cloud patterns, extremely exquisite. The objects are exquisitely crafted with double Ruyi ears, and the Ruyi head is adorned with a red ribbon decorated with the golden character "Wan". It was a high-end exquisite imperial porcelain carving tool of the Qianlong Dynasty. The surface of the vase is painted with enamel colored yellow ground, filled with lotus, silver lotus, and chrysanthemum flowers. It also includes alum red bat mouth and Ruyi traditional Chinese decoration, delicately and meticulously depicted. This type of foreign colored vessel is an important art collection item of the court. The foot circle is decorated with a rouge blue lotus petal pattern and a golden backflow pattern, with a base of turquoise green glaze and a six character seal script style in red material.