Qing Dynasty Qianlong Year Made Qing Dynasty Doucai Wanfu Qingshou Double Chi Dragon Ear Vase

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Qing Dynasty Qianlong Year Made Qing Dynasty Doucai Wanfu Qingshou Double Chi Dragon Ear Vase

Auction Information

Product:Qing Dynasty Qianlong Year Made Qing Dynasty Doucai Wanfu Qingshou Double Chi Dragon Ear Vase


Starting Price:GBP:550,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:52cm C:13cm B:18cm D:38cm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


This is one of the works of Mr. Tang Ying, an early pottery inspector during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. It was made to celebrate the 60th birthday of Emperor Qianlong's mother. On May 30, 2022, Christie's Auction Company in Hong Kong auctioned important artifacts from the Qianlong period with similar sizes and appearances. The bottle has a height of 52 centimeters, a diameter of 38 centimeters, an upper diameter of 13 centimeters, and a bottom diameter of 18 centimeters.