Imperial Bronze Gilded Infinite Shou Buddha

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Imperial Bronze Gilded Infinite Shou Buddha

Auction Information

Product:Imperial Bronze Gilded Infinite Shou Buddha


Starting Price:AED:21,800,000

Transaction Price:AED:30,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The statue has a kind and gentle face, performs a meditation seal, and sits fully seated on a lotus platform. Wearing a treasure crown with dense branches and leaves, adorned with exquisite circular petal shaped ear bells, hair braids floating behind the ears, adorned with beads, and a triple necklace adorned on the chest, the beads are perfectly round and symmetrical. The bracelet, arm bracelet, and ankle bracelet are all meticulously crafted, making them perfect. All flower decorations are embedded with various colored pearl stones, and the edges and skirts are adorned with finely carved flowers. They are adorned with intricate patterns, depicting various colors of flowers such as lotus and peony in exquisite and elegant lines. These exquisite rolled leaf patterns and blooming petals are common in official kiln porcelain of the same period.