Chinese full page ticket

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Chinese full page ticket

Auction Information

Product:Chinese full page ticket


Starting Price:AED:1,000,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:According to actual measurement

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Full-page tickets, as the name implies, refer to uncut grain stamps, cotton tickets, face tickets, and other tickets, and the full-page ticket is relatively large, and the number of single tickets contained in full-page tickets of different nature in different regions is also different. For example, in 1984, the full page of the Tibet Autonomous Region Cotton Ticket contained 50 main tickets and 50 sub-coupons, and in 1976, the 1976 Yangzhou Municipal Revolutionary Committee Commercial Bureau Textile Special Coupon contained 60 main tickets and 60 sub-coupons. From the point of view of specifications, it is easy for collectors to think of the fourth set of RMB full-page banknotes in coins and the first round of zodiac stamps in stamps, monkey stamps, full-page tickets.