Bronze gilded gold statue of Zongkaba

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Bronze gilded gold statue of Zongkaba

Auction Information

Product:Bronze gilded gold statue of Zongkaba


Starting Price:AED:4,200,000

Transaction Price:AED:4,500,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The founder of Gelug Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419) , the 1419 of Tibetan Buddhism, and one of the most important religious reformers and spiritual leaders in Tibetan Buddhism, was hailed as the “Second Buddha” by the Tibetan people, the next Buddha after Gautama Buddha. He was born in the Qinghai province of Tsongkha, where today's Kumbum Monastery is located, the holy man, so respectfully called Tsongkaba. The statues and paintings of tsongkaba were very popular and formed a pattern. Tibetan Buddhism in the Qing dynasty was the dominant sect, especially in the Qianlong period, the number of statues increased dramatically, the works of many ancestors, the most common of which is tsongkaba. Je Tsongkhapa has a mellow face and a kind smile. He uses his hands to cast the Dharma wheel. Each Nymphaea caerulea branch is held, and the flower bud is spread on his shoulder. The flower bud on his right shoulder provides a sword of wisdom, and the flower bud on his right shoulder provides sutra. It is the same as the Dharma tool held by Bodhisattva Manjusri. In Je Tsongkhapa's biography, Je Tsongkhapa is repeatedly referred to as the incarnation of Manjusri, and those with Manjusri traits are often identified as Je Tsongkhapa. The image is bright and steady in gold, with a calm expression that matches Je Tsongkhapa's well-informed and profound spiritual world.