A set of 5 bronze mirrors

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A set of 5 bronze mirrors

Auction Information

Product:A set of 5 bronze mirrors


Starting Price:AED:1,600,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This is a set of circular, circular buttons, with a raised flower pattern on the outside of the seat. The inscriptions on the outside are circled, with a sparkling glass luster on the surface. The mirror surface is flat, the character mouth is sharp, and the characters are well mixed and beautiful. The pattern is typical of the Han Dynasty bronze mirrors. This set of Han mirrors is well cast, with beautiful shapes and rich patterns and inscriptions. The Han Dynasty was the peak period of the development of Chinese bronze mirror art, and the craftsmanship was completely mature. It carries the cultural connotations, Becoming a precious cultural heritage left to us by history