Warring States Sixteen Flat Dragon Cloud and Thunder Pattern Mirror

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Warring States Sixteen Flat Dragon Cloud and Thunder Pattern Mirror

Auction Information

Product:Warring States Sixteen Flat Dragon Cloud and Thunder Pattern Mirror


Starting Price:AED:800,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:WT:850g D:17.2cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The bronze mirror of Chu in the Warring States period is black and ancient. The mirror button had three strings and a cloud and thunder pattern on the background. The main pattern was a three-dimensional dragon carved on a round surface. They were intertwined topologically with each other. There were also exquisite dragon scales on each dragon pattern. It was dazzling. The use of iron ware in this period is marked by fine casting, highly formatted aesthetics, conciseness, regularity, and fine patterns, as well as the high hardness of iron tools used to depict bronze ware, reform of the powerful country, science and technology, the high pursuit of unified standards.