Tian Huang Chi Hu Ju Cai Beast Button Seal Material

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Tian Huang Chi Hu Ju Cai Beast Button Seal Material

Auction Information

Product:Tian Huang Chi Hu Ju Cai Beast Button Seal Material


Starting Price:AED:530,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:L:28mm W:21mm H:41.8mm WT:51g

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


“This object is a masterpiece of Tian Huang-tian Huang Bing. Tian Huang Bing is a unique Chinda Huangshi, its formation process is very complex and slow, it is only in the soft and limpid underground environment, that is, the soil filled with water, can be under the molecular action of the formation of a golden paste filled with fat, the formation of a unique Treasure Tian Huang Bing. There is a lot of room for appreciation at a time when there is very little left.”