Multi faceted Tafo Thangka

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Multi faceted Tafo Thangka

Auction Information

Product:Multi faceted Tafo Thangka


Starting Price:AED:430,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:L:52cm x W:41cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


One of the eight incarnations of Master Lotus Flower, the Tibetan word for“Gurlu Deng Chu poem” means“The holder of Supreme Wisdom”, representing Lotus Flower's mystical achievements. Tibetan history: Padmasambhava received many tantra teachings from Sri Monks, mainly the great fulfillment. He traveled to Bangladesh and Huzhangna and other places, and his enlightenment was bound to Buddhism. This picture shows the image of Guru Ai Hui, who wears a corolla, a pair of dangles, and a handlebar mustache, showing his iconic image. He placed a lotus stem on his right hand and a fearless seal on his left hand. He wore a necklace around his neck and was dressed like a king. His brocade robe was thick and flowing naturally. He sat on the square pedestal supported by the dragon as he pleased. Around the Lord are many stories of the lotus masters, such as austerities in caves, compassionate sermons, conflict resolution, and the building of monasteries and monasteries. ... are signs that help practitioners understand their nature. This thangka complex composition, rich and bright colors, drawing is extremely detailed, reflecting the artist's deep skills, for the Lotus Master eight changes in the theme of the masterpiece.