Extraterrestrial Visitors - Two Birds with One Stone (Meteorite)

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Extraterrestrial Visitors - Two Birds with One Stone (Meteorite)

Auction Information

Product:Extraterrestrial Visitors - Two Birds with One Stone (Meteorite)


Starting Price:AED:340,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:small:23.59g centre:28g big:1280g total:1330g

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The picture fully interprets the realm of “One Stone Two Birds”, creating a plain and natural picture and a universal gift from space. This collection is the world's treasures, with a very high collection and investment value. A good collector is the best discoverer. They only need to take a pair of eyes to observe and find the best works of art. Its value is to discover and capture, the process of capture is the process of the work's existence. The greatest art instinct is hidden in everyone's mind lake vision, can be completed at any time and anywhere the creation of works of art. That's why there's greatness hidden in small, elegant, ordinary things...