Night Pearl

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Night Pearl

Auction Information

Product:Night Pearl


Starting Price:AED:960,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:big D:80.90mm WT:751.3g small D:49.90mm WT:169.7-184.9g

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Large Diameter: 80.90 mm, weight: 751.3 g; small diameter: 49.90 mm, weight: 169.7-184.9 g. In the records of the Ancients, the story about the night pearl is full of myth. The Ancients are puzzled about the magical function of the night pearl, and even think that the night pearl is the eye of the whale in the sea. Because of its rarity and rarity, the Pearl was regarded as a treasure by the ancients. It was extremely valuable and was regarded as the treasure of the country. There is a lot of historical literature on the Pearl, is the Earth after ten million years of some of the luminous material, from the first volcanic eruption, and then the geological movement, gathered in the ore. The most representative is a kind of fluorite with phosphorescence. So it is very precious. “Night Pearl” in China's 5000-year history of civilization is the most mysterious, the most rare, the most precious treasures, and for the imperial power private. The“Night Pearl” has profound historical and cultural connotations.