The "filigree inlaid" gold statue used in imperial palaces during the Qing Dynasty

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Auction Information

Product:The "filigree inlaid" gold statue used in imperial palaces during the Qing Dynasty


Starting Price:AED:3,180,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H: 30.50cm WT: 1757g set with 63 gemstones

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


A total of 63 seals and precious stones inlaid (including a very valuable four black cat's-eye stone) . Silk mosaic originated in the Shang dynasty, after the Eastern Zhou Han, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties, to the Ming and Qing dynasties to reach the peak, has been nearly 4,000 years of history. It is“Gold for silk, wonderful hand knitting, extremely soft, extremely clever thinking, inlaid jade embellishment Cui” of the imperial palace exclusive thousand years of stunts! Its craft is complex and exquisite, the artificial cost is huge, is very rare and precious, everywhere displays the imperial power supreme and the dignity, the graceful and the elegant. For the palace exclusive top royal supplies, only for the royal palace to enjoy! The golden statue is unique in shape and complex in workmanship. It is woven with“Eight bats and eight dragons”, which means“Good fortune in eight directions and good fortune in eight faces”, the body is covered with delicate flowers woven with gold thread, and inlaid with 63 tourmalines and precious stones (one of which is a very precious four-line cat's-Eye Black Gem) , it is a vivid, exquisite, noble and magnificent, precious, showing the symbol of royal glory! Silk mosaic truly reflects the“Luxury incomparable,” said, with a wonderful gesture to win the world's applause, world-renowned. The stunt, known as the “Eight unique skills in Beijing”, was listed on the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2008.