Xu Beihong's "Three Horses"

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Xu Beihong's

Auction Information

Product:Xu Beihong's "Three Horses"


Starting Price:AED:250,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:According to actual measurement

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


In this painting, Xu Beihong uses full of unrestrained ink to bridle the head, neck, chest, legs and other big turning parts, and sweeps out the mane tail with dry pen, making the changes of thick, light, dry and wet natural. The straight line of the horse's legs is strong, like a steel knife, which penetrates through the paper back, while the arc of the belly, buttocks and mane tail is very elastic and dynamic. On the whole, the painting is big in front and small in back, with a strong sense of perspective, and the legs stretching forward and the horse's head have a strong impact, which seems to break through the picture.