Liu Zhanhong's "Sacrifice"

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Liu Zhanhong's

Auction Information

Product:Liu Zhanhong's "Sacrifice"


Starting Price:AED:90,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:L:138cm W:34cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Liu Zhanhong, male, born in 1970, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a native of Fuping County. He studied under the master of charts, Mr. Cai Xuanchao, and carefully comprehended and honed his skills. The charts are grand and magnificent, with thick and heavy bricks, like a tiger shaking a mountain or a dragon soaring over a river. He is particularly famous for his six foot and eight foot single character charts, which have become famous in the literary world. Mr. Liu Bingsen, a master of official script, meticulously taught the imperial seal script in the imperial examination, and repeatedly sought advice from senior scholars such as Mr. Ouyang Zhongshi, benefiting greatly. By incorporating my understanding and insights into official script, seal script, and running script, I have embarked on my own path in the art of ranking books. And won the "Outstanding Contribution Award in Art".