Huang Jiannan's "Interstellar"

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Huang Jiannan's

Auction Information

Product:Huang Jiannan's "Interstellar"


Starting Price:AED:680,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:L:89cm W:75cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Huang Jiannan (male), also known as Miao Jian, is a national first-class artist specializing in oil painting, traditional Chinese painting, and ceramic painting. I am currently a part-time professor at the Shenzhen Graduate School of Tsinghua University; Researcher, expert advisor to the China Cultural Information Association and Arts and Crafts Professional Committee of the Ministry of Culture; Member of the Committee of the Creative Center of the China Artists Association; Deputy Director and Secretary General of the Oil Painting Professional Committee of the China Artists Exchange Association; Member of the French National Council of Artists; Honorary Chairman of the French Oriental Culture and Arts Association; Art Advisor, World Alliance for Low Carbon Cities; Honorary Citizen of the Golden Medal in the City of Guinness, France.