Teng Daimeng's "Glory and Glory"

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Teng Daimeng's

Auction Information

Product:Teng Daimeng's "Glory and Glory"


Starting Price:AED:320,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Seal: Teng Daimeng, Drunken Ink, Diligence can make up for clumsiness Taste: Drunken, Teng Daimeng. Explanation: Teng Daimeng, a talented woman from Suzhou, is an outstanding Chinese poet and painter. She has participated in the selection of national and international famous painters and won the first prize in Chinese painting. Her works have been exhibited on tours around the world and are renowned both domestically and internationally. The layout of Ronghua Sijin's paintings is harmonious and natural, rich in layers, with clear and beautiful ink. It also serves as a ghostwriter, vividly portraying the dynamics of flowers and birds. Especially the harmonious color scheme fully reflects Teng Daimeng's special sense and talent for handling colors and details.