Teng Daimeng's "Prosperity and Prosperity"

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Teng Daimeng's

Auction Information

Product:Teng Daimeng's "Prosperity and Prosperity"


Starting Price:AED:210,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Seal: Teng Daimeng, Drunken Ink, Diligence can make up for clumsiness Taste: Drunken, Teng Daimeng. Explanation: Teng Daimeng, a talented woman from Suzhou, is the President of the World Calligraphers and Painters Association in Canada, the Honorary President of the World Art School of the Philippine Academy, and the Li Keran Research Institute of Peking University. The painting won an international gold medal and first prize. This painting of a beautiful woman is a representative of Teng Daimeng's famous painting. The main focus of the work is meticulous brushwork, with some freehand brushwork. The characters are noble and elegant, with vivid brushwork, rich levels of rendering, and the image is delicate and realistic, graceful and extraordinary. The image of a generation of glamorous beauties is vividly portrayed on paper, with great charm of appreciation, aesthetics, and charm. It is an excellent collection work.