Qi Baishi's "A Hundred Shrimps"

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Qi Baishi's

Auction Information

Product:Qi Baishi's "A Hundred Shrimps"


Starting Price:AED:2,570,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:L:492cm W:84.5cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Qi Baishi Painting shrimp can be said to be a unique painting, lively, lifelike, full of Verve, with light ink throwing pen, painted into the body, saturated color, more crystal clear sense of the shrimp body. Take the thick ink vertical point as the eye, the horizontal writing for the brain, falls the ink to become the gold, the pen and pen vivid. Fine Brush Strokes, claw, claw, big claw, rigid and flexible, concise and vivid, showing the painter Gao Miao calligraphy skills. The painter writes the shrimp, comes from the life, actually surpasses the life, the bold summary Simplification, also must convey the magic pen. Qi Baishi is one of the best shrimp painters in the world. Qi Baishi painted shrimp through a lifetime of observation, in order to further performance of the shape and spirit of the shrimp features.