Yuan Yongzhi's "Night of Wind and Snow"

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Yuan Yongzhi's

Auction Information

Product:Yuan Yongzhi's "Night of Wind and Snow"


Starting Price:AED:50,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


“Night of snow” from the overall point of view, the composition is full, momentum extraordinary, ink moisture screen, a sense of agility, jump on the paper. The two camels in the picture are interspersed in an orderly manner. They are full of vitality in the snowflakes flying all over the sky. Positive and negative back level well, ink is thick and thin, thick and thin points; the pen has a priority, Converse, vertical and horizontal gallop without losing the degree of law. In the painting, the wind and snow melt into the camel. Between the camel gap, exposed large and small white, snow flying in the camel, so that the screen is full of life, in the color has also added a bright point, make the theme more prominent, give the viewer a strong sense of visual shock.