Blue jade relief dragon with cloud pattern jade wall

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Blue jade relief dragon with cloud pattern jade wall

Auction Information

Product:Blue jade relief dragon with cloud pattern jade wall


Starting Price:AED:1,600,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The color of this product is from light to deep, the color is complex and changes in an orderly transition. The soak is opaque to the light and penetrates into the jade texture. The overall arrangement is dense and regular, the ground is flat, and the shaking against the light can be seen with obvious orange peel lines. It is a meticulous collection of techniques such as bas-relief, diyangwen reduction, double Yin line and flat beating, among which the dragon body and moire are decorated with parallel short Yin line, which is a typical jade carving technique of the Han Dynasty. Such elaborate and beautiful material and exquisite workmanship should be possessed by people with extremely high status such as emperors or vassals of the Han Dynasty.