Qing Dynasty Silver Coins (Third Year of Xuantong)

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Qing Dynasty Silver Coins (Third Year of Xuantong)

Auction Information

Product:Qing Dynasty Silver Coins (Third Year of Xuantong)


Starting Price:AED:310,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:D:39mm WT:26.8g

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Qing Dynasty One Dollar Silver Coin (1911). Preserved admirably well over the years in its original state. Intriguing and complete with surprisingly clear details. Decorated with exquisite engravings and brilliant three-dimensional effect. Luster is satiny and silver-gray. Visually superb artistry. Frontal view of dragon's head displays elegant details, pride in piercing eyes, prominent double-horns, hair, perked up ears, side teeth, deep flowing whisker strokes and beard. Entire body wrapped in intricately crisp sparkling scales, very well proportioned, replendent amid myriads of clouds. Ball of fire glows below. Luxuriant flowers and leaves stand on the left and right. An outstanding combination of details for a sharp mint collector.