silver dollar

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silver dollar

Auction Information

Product:silver dollar


Starting Price:AED:800,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


1: The Republic of China three years (1914) in February, the Ministry of finance promulgated the“Republic of China national currency regulations,” to rectify the unified currency system, the three-year Yuan head silver dollar as the standard currency. Weighing seven coins two, finished silver copper one (later changed to 89%) , unified circulation. Minted by Tianjin Mint. 2: Republic of China Twenty-three Sun Yat-sen sailing coin, a rare silver coin of the Republic of China period, minted and issued by the Shanghai Central Mint of China in the year twenty-three. The silver coin was the first“Ship foreign” silver coin issued by the national government on the eve of the announcement of the“Minting Bill”, which had been designated as a national silver coin by the Ministry of Finance, in the history of coins has an important position, has always been sought by collectors