Yuan Shikai's One Yuan Coin of the Republic of China (Group 1)

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Yuan Shikai's One Yuan Coin of the Republic of China (Group 1)

Auction Information

Product:Yuan Shikai's One Yuan Coin of the Republic of China (Group 1)


Starting Price:AED:1,030,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Yuan Shikai's portrait of the Republic of China is a one yuan silver coin. This group has two pieces in the ninth year of the Republic of China and one piece in the third year of the Republic of China. On the front is a five cent profile of Yuan Shikai. The above six characters "the ninth year of the Republic of China", and the above six characters "the third year of the Republic of China" have two pieces of Jiahe on the back. They interact from left to right, tie a tie at the bottom, and cast the word "one yuan" in the middle.