Blue and white dragon patterned plum vase

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Blue and white dragon patterned plum vase

Auction Information

Product:Blue and white dragon patterned plum vase


Starting Price:AED:1,560,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:41.6cm W:8.8cm B:18.5m

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This product is a blue and white plum vase from the Ming Dynasty, with a large and plump shape, dense patterns, rich layers, and rigorous composition. It changes the traditional layout of porcelain patterns since the Tang and Song dynasties, and its meticulous description combined with complex layers forms a colorful artistic style. The significant increase in the appearance of dragon patterns was also a characteristic of porcelain decorative art during this period. This product is decorated with blue and white flowers throughout the body, depicting the patterns of sea, water, clouds, and dragons. The painting is superb, and the blue dragon is depicted with five claws. The dragon body is strong and sturdy, with sharp claws and teeth, full of vitality, and the blue and white color is rich and colorful. The fetal bones are delicate and pure white, the enamel is moist and translucent, and the glaze is plump and extremely beautiful. The six character regular script "Made in the Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty" is rare and precious in this world.