Qing Qianlong's blue and white underglaze red "Pine Age Immortal Deer" lantern statue

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Qing Qianlong's blue and white underglaze red

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong's blue and white underglaze red "Pine Age Immortal Deer" lantern statue


Starting Price:AED:16,000,000

Transaction Price:AED:25,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Blue and white underglaze red was first seen in the Yuan Dynasty. It was made by adding dots between the blue and white with copper red glaze and firing it in a high-temperature reducing flame. Due to the complex and demanding production techniques, there were few successful artifacts after the Yongxuan reign of the Ming Dynasty. By the time of Kangxi, the color of underglaze red gradually stabilized, and the firing of jue blue and white underglaze red also became mature, and it could also express large-scale mountain and river scenes and character story scenes. Even so, the partial color of underglaze red may be overshadowed or dull, which is still inevitable. Therefore, only one or two out of a hundred people have a comprehensive and beautiful appearance. Yongzheng Imperial Porcelain highly praises the three fish and three fruits of the Xuan kiln, and vigorously imitates them. The blue and white underglaze red ware becomes more and more pure, with clear layers, without any turbidity or immersion. It has become a divine appearance of a king, especially pioneering a generation of culture. During the Qianlong Dynasty, it was inherited from the previous Yu Xu period, and the blue and white underglaze red firing system was more flexible, with rich themes, complex composition, and meticulous painting techniques, which were highly praised by later generations.